Partner Products
Supplying the Backbone of Industries, Building Progress
ITECA Socadei Pan Microscope And Color Observer
On-line colour measurement of sugar and sweeteners
Control white or raw sugar colour in Real time
Display ICUMSA color trends for each centrifugal and for the whole production, Play Real time video of the ongoing production, Detect brown lumps of sugar and out of spec measurements, Divert non conformities to avoid contaminating the dryer, Trigger alarms and record video on event, Individually optimize centrifugal washing time to reduce remelting
Follow the crystal growth in Real time for any type of massecuite, Calculate MA, CV and % of fines through image processing techniques, Measure crystal size from 4µm and detect the presence of false grain,Trigger alarms on non conformity for communication with automation system or any PLC, Check syrup quality: presence of contaminants, air bubbles or super coarse crystals, Record video and data for complete traceability
On-line black specks detection
Detect and sort 250 x 250 µm black specks on white sugar above a belt conveyor, Analyse 100% of the ongoing production using a high resolution camera, Sort detected specks according to their size distribution and display last non conformity, Record data and video for full traceability, Trigger alarms on non conformity to avoid contaminating the silo, Guarantee quality of sugar delivered
Colour analyser and black specks detection in the laboratory for sugar and sweeteners
Measure the colour of a sugar sample and convert it in ICUMSA units, Detect and count black specks from 90×90 µm
Record data and picture of the sample
Deliver a ticket proving compliance with customer specification
Guarantee quality of the sugar delivered